Hopeful Minds is a new curriculum project developed by iFred, the International Foundation for Research and Education on Hope. It is based on research that suggests hope is a teachable skill. Our aim is to equip students, educators, and parents with the tools they need to find and maintain hope even during the most trying of times.
The leading predictor of suicide is hopelessness, so we believe through our positive advocacy we can reduce overall suicide attempts in youth. Our focus is on prevention through practical tools and exercises.
The program is cyclical with the use of the sunflower as a symbol of hope throughout. The sunflower is based on the rebranding work by iFred, focusing on the success rate of treatment of depression as opposed to the symptoms during a depressive episode. Please join our sister pages at Gardens for Hope and Fields for Hope if you want to join us in planting to honor those with depression as well.
May we one day live in a world where the only stigma we know is that part of the flower that brings life to the world.
Find additional resources at www.ifred.org. If you or someone you know are having challenges with hope or needs immediate help, call 988. You can also text HOME to 741741 to connect with a crisis counselor from crisistextline.org. You can find a list of international resources at www.hopefulcities.org/get-support/.
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